Expect the unexpected.

This sign suddenly appeared on a local road and I was one of the first to stop. 
There were huge barns were full of 'stuff' including huge bellows, two threshing machines, carts, barrels, boxes and lots more. 

Apparently Grandpere had been something of a hoarder. 

There was also rampant woodworm and vast piles of dust. Fascinating but nothing I really wanted to buy.
When I told the vendor that I normally buy textiles she grabbed my hand and led me into the house where the armoires and chests were brimming with treasures.

As I searched through the linens, the vendor told me the tale of her grandparents'  lives in that house.  She did not live locally and was only here for a few days, the only member of the family who could bear to sort though the house contents and sell them. She was quite emotional about it all.

 I had automatically reached for my camera, but I didn't take any photos apart from the sign. It felt too intrusive. So I left without my pictures, but poignant memories of a few hours spent listening to wonderful stories and learning how these remarkable people had lived.
I also bought a family portrait that I shall hang in my house,
La Jovienne. I'll show you that later!

I shall be laundering and listing the linens for you on Ebay over the next few weeks.
