This house has been far at sea all night..............

Went to bed in the middle of a storm last night, lights flickering and eventually going out, snug in front of the log fire, trying to read by candlelight, listening to the wind roaring through the trees.
  This morning it was calm with the first scattering of snow on the mountain. This is the view from the salon right now.
Job is a great place to live when it snows. There are enough shops to provide everything you might need including a bakery, grocery, post office, bars and even a hairdresser. Now the butcher's shop has re-opened and everyone is delighted.  Monsieur Ladevez sells excellent locally produced meat as well as creating his own patés, sausages and lots more.
The shop was closed for a while so it is lovely to see the Christmas lights twinkling in the window this morning.
And the title of this post?

A poem by Ted Hughes that popped into my head last night and wouldn't go away.
"This house has been far out at sea all night, 
The woods crashing through darkness, the booming hills, 
Winds stampeding the fields under the window 
Floundering black astride and blinding wet................."

He says it so much better than I could!
