A memorable week with guests!

I had always thought that I wouldn't blog about guests staying at La Jovienne, it didn't seem right to make them anxious wondering what I would write about them...................but I hadn't anticipated Lizzy and David! Guests who wrote and sang a song about the breakfast at La Jovienne 'Oh mon Dieu c'est délicieux' (I do hope they can put it on youtube!)

It has truly been a memorable week. Just before they arrived I punctured my eye with the leaf of a parlour palm so I opened the door looking like an extra in a zombie film, it was as painful as it looked and lasted most of the week. It didn't seem to put them off and they settled in as if they has always been here. David even mastered the art of remembering where my glasses were!

They spent the week hunting for a house in this area and had a punishing schedule with several agents covering a wide area. They had a very clear idea what they wanted and returned each evening slightly disconsolate as none of the properties thay had viewed hit the spot.
On Thursday they set off to view a house that they 'knew' they wouldn't like and when they returned their excitement was like a giant wave that rushed into the house with them, there was no need to ask how it went.
 The house is utterly beautiful. It is the best farmhouse renovation I have seen, really well done, with carefully restored ancient spaces joined by a huge lightfilled space. It has the land they want and is ready to move into! Truly a rare find.
Many of the meetings centred around the 'Le Bon Coin' the bar opposite the Immobilier, on a major cross roads in Ambert.  A great place to spot people you know.

This led to another friend becoming part of the adventure too. He is incredibly creative and has lots of renovation experience. He is generous with his time and advice and thoroughly enjoyed being involved. 

Lizzy & David have a wonderful idea for their new life in the house, but that is their story to tell.
It has been a very special week for lots of reasons and one that I will always remember.
Bravo!  Lizzy & David, hope you had a safe journey home. 
Au revoir et à bientôt.
