Coffee and Corsets!

What an exotic life I lead!

I now wear a corset as I go about my daily business, sipping coffee with friends.

But unfortunately it doesn't look like this!

Mine is much more utilitarian, although I might trim it with some ribbons and a corsage as it looks as if it is going to become a permanent feature in my life.

And I also have one of these!

Although I cheered up when I found a jolly spotted one.

It seems that my back problem is permanent and the main thrust of treatment, now that I can move again, is to try and prevent further deterioration.

I need to make lots of changes and was advised not to iron! Moi! That isn't going to happen, hence the corset.

 Being France, treatment also involves lots of pills. I'm not good at pills and try to take most of them before I go to bed so that I don't notice whatever side effects there are while I am asleep. However I have been waking up feeling as if I have a huge hangover that doesn't really wear off.

I wonder if that is why the wonderful new postmaster, Pascal, has started making me coffee when I go to post my parcels?

He really is a star, one of those cheerful people who never gets flustered and who makes posting my parcels a real pleasure. The coffee is a recent development that does act as a very effective loyalty incentive.
