I am more than happy to report that the injections have finished so I have emerged from my stupor and am reasonably mobile again. Not sure how long it will take my dignity to recover though............. I was amazed and quite humbled to receive such lovely messages from blog readers, thankyou so much.
Meanwhile my lovely neighbour Georgette became desperately ill again and was rushed into hospital. This was a few days before her husband, Benoit, was due to have an scheduled knee replacement operation in Clermont Ferrand. The doctors agreed to keep Georgette in the local hospital until Benoit could be returned to the same hospital (and probably the same room) for his post op rehabilitation. That way we all knew she would be safe and sound, or would she?
At visiting time she was up and dressed telling the Doctors that she was packed and would be leaving in time to accompany Benoit, and that is precisely what she did!
They married in 1956 and have rarely been apart so they fret when they cannot be together. She has just phoned to tell me that his operation went very well. At some point she will have to return to hospital herself (she promised!), but for now she is happy and relieved that Benoit is doing well.
I am so relieved I can't tell you. They are the loveliest people I have ever met and have showered us with every kindess since the moment we arrived here.
And more good news!
The local paper says that wolf tracks have been found high in the mountains. There haven't been any wolves in this region for decades, but local names tell their story. La Jovienne is situated near the top of a steep bank called the 'Saut du loup' (Wolves' leap) and the church is called 'L'église de St Loup' The church of St Wolf.
An expert has been called in to examine them and he thinks that there is at least one pair and that the female is pregnant.
I do hope so, it would be lovely to have some 'petit louloups' scampering around on the mountain again.
"Only a mountain has lived long enough to listen objectively to the howl of a wolf."
~ Aldo Leopold"
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