Oooh La La! or Ooops!

Today Georgette and Benoit needed a lift to the hospital in Clermont Ferrand and I thought it would be nice to treat them to a meal beforehand.

My favourite restaurant is closed on Wednesdays and so I searched for another one online, as well as good reviews it needed to very close to parking as they are both quite frail at the moment.

When I told Georgette the name of the Street she fell about laughing, we were heading right to the heart of the

Very salubrious!

They seemed to enjoy themselves anyway and we sang several choruses of "Le coq est mort" on the way back to the car, lowering the tone even further.

I have been even busier since my last blog, lots of bookings and my weekend away buying stock. I was up at the crack of dawn to make sure I didn't miss the finest linens, then arrived home at 4 pm to cook a meal for the guests that evening! I could go on but I'm sure you get the idea.

I have started listing my fabulous finds on Ebay now. My thanks  to those of you who emailed me to see if I was okay and my apologies for disappearing for so long.
