Sweet change!

The sunshine has appeared at last..............
The mountain has emerged from the mist

and "Lasagnette", the nature reserve below our garden, is filled with drifts of misty blue forget-me-nots

But I would be feeling happy no matter what the weather.

The last couple of years have been really really tough for so many of my friends and family. I have found it hard watching people that I love dearly having such a dreadful time.

But now things seem to be changing for the better.

 Three of my friends have been either badly wronged or injured and have endured long anxious waiting periods as their cases went to court. Over the last few months they all won! On reflection "won" isn't the right word. One friend was entirely vindicated in an awful situation that can never ever be put right. The friend who was injured has lost his career as a result. Perhaps it would be fairer to say that the results were what we had all hoped for and justice was done. Now they can get on with their lives.

My sister has had to endure the slow, painful and badly managed end of a very successful career. She is now very happily redundant at long last! with lots of plans for the future.

My son has a new employer. He was head hunted because of his skill, dedication and passion. His happiness (and pay rise!) are well deserved and I am really proud of him.

And our old house has finally sold! An interminably slow process................ Quite a relief now that it is over.

The end of an era and time to make plans for the future.

Change seems to be in the air and I know that everyone is going to go from strength to strength in the future.

I have decided that it is time to move forward too, and am going to study for a French qualification as an interior designer. It feels quite daunting, especially the language, but formal study will give me structure and deadlines, it will also enable me to build up a portfolio.
I shall still be running the Chambres D'Hôtes and my Ebay business, (in fact it has been the response to La Jovienne and discussion with guests that inspired me to do this) and ultimately my designs will reflect my passion for antique French textiles.

"Change in all things is sweet" Aristotle.
