Bonne rentrée

Someone flicked the switch that ended Summer a few days ago. The weather changed dramatically. The intense heat gave way to a storm that caused a power cut and a sudden drop in temperature.

I went outside to read in the last of the daylight and captured this vibrant rainbow over the mountain.

This all coincided with the 'Rentrée', the official end of the French holidays and the re-entry into normal life.  Time to go back to work or school.

But Job remained festive with a street fair last weekend,
The village fountain was filled with trout to catch and take home for tea. There were two dances and a vide-grenier too. Next weekend there is a cattle fair in the park. it is never dull here.

 It has been a wonderful Summer with lovely lovely guests so I'm hoping that the Autumn is equally good. It looks promising already

 It got off to a great start with the arrival of an artisan's estimate for some work on the house and even a start date!

Maybe it was the blue moon?

 I was a bit disappointed to see that it wasn't actually blue, but then this appeared when I uploaded the photograph.
